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Three brothers are the mighty pillars around which this epic novel is constructed. Bernard Cornwell transports the reader back to a time...
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"Splendidly illustrated...will for years to come be a standard reference work." ______ - Audrey Burl, The Times Literary Supplement
Winner of the British Archaeological Book Award
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In a book that finally solves the riddle of Stonehenge,scholar John North draws on more than 15 years of research to offer a masterful "case-closed" study in which he examines the monument from all available angles--archeological, astronomical, and spiritual--and considers relevant research from other prehistoric remains in Britain and Northern Europe.
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For those who are enthralled by Stonehenge and
the many other awe-inspiring prehistoric stone
circles of Britain, archaeologist Aubrey Burl
now offers fascinating insights into their many
mysteries. In this book he selects a dozen of
the most evocative rings and proposes
sometimes surprising answers to questions
about the circles-their purpose, construction, age,
design, art, legends, and relation to astronomy.
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"Stonehenge Revealed provides the necessary context for really appreciating the jumble of stones littering Salisbury Plain, and it does so in several ways...these insights comprise a comprehensive but concise volume that should be a fun and informative read for everyone, and should help to kindle the imagination of everyone." - British Heritage Magazine, December/January, 1997/98
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Discusses the history, construction, and possible purposes of Stonehenge.
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This richly illustrated book will give the reader profound insight into the mysteries and daily life of the ancient inhabitants of Britain.
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Stonehenge summarized; Salisbury Plain; Stones without the circle; Building of Stonehenge; When was Stonehenge erected? What was Stonehenge? Druid Question; The Barrows of Salisbury Plain.
Other Stonehenge Books:
The Making of Stonehenge - By Rodney Castleden. Library Binding (April 1994) - $65.00
John Aubrey:
A Study of the Works and Reputation of John Aubrey (1626-1697 : With Emphasis on His Brief Lives) - By Jon Bruce Kite. Hardcover (December 1993) - $99.95
John Aubrey: A Life - By David Tylden-Wright
John Aubrey and the Realm of Learning - by Michael Cyril William Hunter