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Three brothers are the mighty pillars around which this epic novel is constructed. Bernard Cornwell transports the reader back to a time...
Stonehenge is so mysterious, no one knows its builders, or
how exactly it was built. Thus it has generated many legends.
One states that the devil was involved in the
building. He bought stones of an elderly woman from Ireland,
and used his "magic" to transport them to their current spot
on the Salisbury plain in England. He then set them up. He
got egotistical, and bet that no one in the nearby village
would be smart enough to count all the stones. When asked,
a local friar said "that is more than
thee canst tell", which means "that is more than can be
told". That was the correct answer. Now the devil was mad, because
his plan was foiled. He picked up a stone, and threw it as hard
as he could at the friar. The friar thought quick, and bounced it
off of his heel. His heel was so hard that it caused
a dent in the stone. To this day the stone is called the
"Heel Stone", named by John Aubrey.
Another states that dancing giants were circling around
on the Salisbury plain. Suddenly and without reason, they were
turned into stones. This legend was once popular because of the
shape of the megaliths somewhat resembles the shape of giants holding
Another Stonehenge legend (from the Merlin Mystery)
states that evil sorcerors once sought to take over the world. The great wizard Blaise tied a magical cord around his powerful oak wand and hurled a binding spell at the dark wizards who were instantly bound into stone. Thanks to "Deep Contemplation".
Obviously these are not the only Stonehenge legends. If
you know of one that you'd like to see added, please e-mail me.